Info and price

The cost of the Ayahuasca retreat in Sachamama Lodge is 750 US dollars per week. This includes pick-up service from the airport to the center, accommodation in individual bungalow, two Ayahuasca Ceremonies per week, a Flower Bath and a Perfume Ceremony, your meals in the center and laundry service, consultation and guidance from Don Francisco Montes Shuna throughout your stay.
The meals provided in the center are suitable for Ayahuasca diet, they are simple and nourishing.There is no salt, no sugar, no animal meat or fat, no spices and normally no fruit permitted in the Diet. For achieving better results we recommend that you start to diet a few days or one week before your arrival in Sachamama and refrain from eating pork one month in advance.
What to bring with you: flashlight, waterproof shoes and coat, a watch.

We require that you make your payment in cash, on the beginning of your stay. We only accept currencies bought at the bank and please keep in mind that if you choose to leave the retreat before the end of your stay, you will not be refunded.

For any additional information, as well as discussing the preferred length and date for your retreat, please contact us:

Booking & info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.